Convert to Propane and Save Big!
Converting a vehicle engine to propane means huge savings: Propane gas costs 50% less than regular gasoline.
Convert to Propane and Reduce Air Pollution
Propane combustion is cleaner and less harmful to the environment than gasoline and diesel. According to Environment Canada, a propane car or truck emits up to 30% less greenhouse gases than a gasoline-powered vehicle.
Propane Vehicles: Just as Efficient
A vehicle that has been converted to propane, and which is equipped with a selector switch, can also be fuelled using alternative gas or gasoline.
In fact, gasoline is needed to start the vehicle and to run the engine for the first few minutes. Once the engine reaches 45°C, propane becomes the sole source of fuel. Engine power is undiminished, as is the speed at which the vehicle can be driven.
Propane Vehicles: Safer than Others
Contrary to popular belief, a propane car or truck is less likely to explode than a gasoline-powered vehicle. This is due to the fact that gasoline ignites at a lower temperature than propane. In addition, a propane tank is more resistant than a gasoline tank. Drive with peace of mind!
Learn More
Learn more about converting to propane and how much you could save, by visiting our partner site: or contact us today.
You can also download the Inovoto application in the App Store or on Google Play.